Providing 30 years of environmental and radiological services nationwide
West Valley Demonstration Project
Location: West Valley, NY
Department of Energy (DOE)
West Valley Environmental Services, LLC
Project Management
Radiological Engineering
Health and Safety
Industrial Health Management
Waste Segregation Operations
NDA Support to Waste Management
MARSSIM Final Status Survey
Environmental Monitoring
Regulatory Support
Project Highlights:
Successful implementation of radiological engineering/project management and industrial safety in support of D&D of 40-50 buildings with uranium as the contaminant of concern
Provided human health monitoring, directed PPE prior to entering facilities, oversaw dosimetry and closely monitored exposure limits and performed air monitoring of all buildings
Supported the planning and removal of equipment, materials, and major components and the decontamination of the process facilities
Client cited Cabrera’s transition onto the West Valley project as one of the most successful transitions by a DOE contractor in recent memory
Conceptualized, designed and implemented the first waste segregation operations facility at West Valley, allowing low-level wastes LLRW to be separated from TRU, which led to over 100 waste crates being disposed of at an off-site LLRW disposal facility within six weeks of implementation – first shipment to occur in project history
Rigorous safety and dosimetry program reduced/eliminated site hazards and resulted in 363,000 man hours worked with no lost time accidents
Performed FSS and confirmation surveys according to the FSS Plan as part of post-demolition activities
Advised the DOE during its interactions with multiple stakeholders on this high-visibility project, namely the EPA, State of NY, the NRC, OSHA, and Buffalo and West Valley cities