Providing 30 years of environmental and radiological services nationwide
Maywood FUSRAP ROD Remedy
Implementation & VP Remediation
Location: Maywood, New Jersey
Client: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Project Management
Quality Control
Health and Safety
Shallow & Deep Excavation
Building D&D
Waste T&D
MARSSIM Remedial Support & FSS
Environmental Monitoring
Regulatory Support
Onsite Laboratory Operation
CWTP Operations
Community Relations
Project Highlights:
Large, complex urban radiological remediation of chemical manufacturing plant, rail, industrial, commercial and residential properties and roads with thorium, radium and uranium in soil, and metals in groundwater the contaminants of concern
Smooth transition from prior contractor; rapid mobilization ensured uninterrupted remediation
Excavations below the water table in close proximity to roads and buildings using shoring/sheeting techniques, handling/management of saturated soils and excavation dewatering
Cabrera installed a permanent water treatment facility that was fully operational as of 1/3/17 and is responsible for the O&M of the plant
Excavated 345,260 CY of soil and shipped 5,027 rail cars
Performed dewatering, treatment and discharge of 6.8 million gallons of construction water in compliance with the Site’s Bergen County Utilities Authority discharge permit
Reduced USACE project cost by $300 per CY
Commended by USACE COR and PM for quality plans and IT infrastructure upgrade implemented
Cabrera completed 1,053,682 work hours without a Lost Time Incident
In Fiscal Year 14, a funding increase required extensive coordination between operations and transportation resulted in meeting all increased excavation and shipping goals
Properties have been released under both “restricted release” and “unrestricted release” criteria, based upon land use
Zero non-conformance issues: dust/odor control throughout project