Providing 30 years of environmental and radiological services nationwide
Floyd Bennett Jet Fuel Remediation
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Project Highlights:
Floyd Bennett Field has a former jet fuel storage and distribution system and other former fuel storage areas onsite. It is part of the Gateway National Recreation Area, which is part of a group of National Park Service (NPS) properties along the shoreline of New York City. A 3,200-foot fuel oil pipeline on the site and 10 underground storage tank locations lacked proper documentation. Contaminants of concern were petroleum, oil and lubricants (POL), SVOCs, VOCs.
Cabrera achieved USACE’s goal of closing all nine of NYSCEC’s open spill numbers. We excavated 34,200 tons of contaminated soil and disposed of more than 1,000 linear feet of piping and four 37 foot diameter above ground storage tank pads; recycled 14,250 tons of soil for beneficial re-use offsite; shipped 664 tons of concrete debris for recycling; demolished a boiler plant, fuel oil pump house and three asbestos-containing material-wrapped boilers. We evaluated seven general response actions, five potential remedial technologies and five remedial alternatives for NAPL impacted soil and groundwater; installed 152 soil borings to depths of 15 feet; and collected more than 250 soil samples.
A water treatment system was installed to dewater excavations and was designed to treat groundwater via activated carbon prior to discharge into the storm water drainage system. The system treated and discharged a total of 32,400 gallons of water. Discharges were compared to the standards in 6 New York Code Rule and Regulations §703.5. Cabrera worked with USACE and the NPS to devise a mitigation plan for the purposes of ground stabilization, recovery of habitat and for general public use. Close coordination with the NPS and NYSDEC Division of Fish, Wildlife & Marine Resources was required to avoid adverse impacts on recreational property and bird habitats. Logistical coordination with the U.S. Marine Corps avoided adverse impacts on site operations. Cabrera obtained regulatory approvals under promulgated New York standards that complied with CERCLA while avoiding more restrictive, non-promulgated guidance.