Providing 30 years of environmental and radiological services nationwide
Iowa Army Ammunition Plant
Location: Middletown, IA
Client: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Project Highlights:
R8I Cabrera performed remediation of the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant OU-8 (IAAAP) in Middletown, IA. IAAAP encompasses approximately 19,000 acres, including active and inactive production and storage areas, undeveloped areas, and agricultural leases. The Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) operated at portions of IAAAP from 1947 to 1975. Historical operations by both the Army and AEC resulted in releases of hazardous substances to soil, surface water, and groundwater at IAAAP. The primary contaminants of concern at the site include explosives, metals, volatile organic compounds, and depleted uranium (DU).
R8I Cabrera’s five-year contract with USACE St. Louis focused on excavation and removal of contaminated soil and associated debris exceeding the RG of 150 pCi/g DU. Our team achieved project objectives through the use of a soil sorting system that manages the soil and debris based on its radioactive content. We segregated DU-contaminated soil and debris from clean soil and transported and disposed of the waste at an off-site permitted facility. We completed work plan development and performed site set up, construction of temporary facilities and site-required adjustments to the soil sorting system prior to actual field work. After the completion of these tasks, excavation and processing of DU-contaminated soil and associated debris were conducted. R8I Cabrera excavated 84,407 CY of radioactively contaminated soil/debris and shipped 100 railcars, totaling 10,038 tons. The remaining 74,000 CY was stockpiled, sampled, and analyzed at an
off -site laboratory and reused as backfill upon receipt of USACE data package approval. The reuse of backfill saved over $3.3M in procurement and over $32M in off -site waste T&D costs. We exceeded USACE’s soil excavation and processing goals for the 2020,
2021, and 2022 fi eld seasons by 49%, 24%, and 62%, respectively,
while staying within budget. We worked 82,148 hours without a lost-time incident.