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Industrial Health Management


Workers' health and that of residents in the surrounding community must be addressed in industrial complexes through industrial health management. Emissions, discharges, and raw materials input into the system must be put into question whenever accounting for Industrial Health Management. The work environment also must account for conditions such as extreme temperature, pressure, and humidity, as well as the particulate matter in the air. Cabrera Services offers Industrial Health Management consulting drawing from its pool of experience from prior remediation of hazardous contaminants on sites. Our company is also duly NRC licensed to handle a range of hazardous environments from radioactive to nanoparticulate carcinogens to volatile organic contaminants.

Safe, high-quality delivery
NRC license
OHSM System



Ready to partner with the best in Industrial Health Management?


The Concerns Targeted in Industrial Health Management

Industrial health management may be called for when the risk of exposure to hazardous elements, chemicals, and gases is present. We consult on the standard use of PPEs and other shielding measures depending on the type and level of exposure. We take measurements of the presence of radioactivity, heavy metals, and carcinogens with our equipment and skilled personnel and conduct analysis on-site. The results enable us to propose remedies and strategies for occupational safety. Contingencies such as first aid and cleaning agents are also recommended.

Contact Our Team


Our consultation may require training of all our relevant staff, assigning fire marshals, containing inflammables, and restructuring work processes. We focus on proper mixed waste disposal and minimization of waste produced in the first place. Any work revolving around waste reuse, treatment, filtration, or hauling, we consult on or fully supervise as part of industrial health management, with associated constructions, and transport notwithstanding. Contact us to get started with an industrial health management expert.


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